Wednesday, December 5, 2007

5 things meme

5 things found in my room:

1)A Really tall bed with lots of storage underneath. I need a stool to get into the bed.

2) Yarn, in one big tote, and three big 'banker's box' drawers, all under #1

3) My sewing machine in a little built in nook. Also has all the sewing accessories.

4) One tall light blue laundry basket for colors, and one tall lidded garbage can for whites.

5) My cedar chest that I talked my dad out of one trip. This is also under #1

5 things I've always wanted to do:

1) Finish College.

2) Become an astronaut. I would love to be weightless.

3) Be more at ease around people.

4) Have a wonderful, clean, and beautiful home.

5) Scuba dive in the ocean.

5 things in my bag: (Well, I don't carry a purse per-se, so I guess I'll go with my knitting/crochet bag)

1) Stress 'ball' in the shape of a hard hat It was free at a local career fair. I take it with me when I go to sell my plasma.

2) Current project, of course.

3) One of the books I am currently reading, I say one of because I usually in the middle of 3-4.

4) Stitch markers, even if what I am working on doesn't require them, I will still have a bunch with me.

5) A small secondary project, usually in the opposite stitch of the current project. Say current is knit, I usually have something in crochet also. Never know when I'll get bored or my hands will start hurting.

5 things found in my wallet:

1) Insurance card.

2) Z-fun Event, Moscow Bio-Medics, Bring this card and receive an extra $10 after your first donation, with an employee signature.

3) My old University card, it lets me ride the between town bus for free.

4) Student Rec Center Single Use Visitor Punch card with 7 punches left.

5) Punch card for a local restaurant named Pita Pit, with 7 of 10 punched. We will see if they validate them when the store re-opens. They had a fire and ended up moving, and aren't open yet.

5 things I’m currently into:

1) Ravelry! I just got a new camera, so I will be uploading tons of projects and yarns.

2) Blogs, my Google Reader currently has 156 subscriptions, but since I spent most of the weekend hanging out with my husband I have 258 new things to read.

3) Free Rice! Go, play!

4) Lolcats, oh so funny.


Now according to the rules, I'm supposed to tag five other people for this, but I'm going to break the rules and advise anyone reading this to give us a glimpse into their five things.

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